Register To Participate in Michigan Coptic Orthodox Church Election Event(s)
التسجيل للمشاركة في إنتخابات الكنيسة التابع لها

PLEASE NOTE: You will need access to the provided email and phone, in order to submit the form.
You will receive a verification code in the email (check spam folder) and another verification code in your cell phone.

By providing your cell phone number you are Opting In to receive SMS Messages from Service # +1(844)994-2715
only USA phones are allowed , no International or Virtual Phone numbers Allowed
To opt-out any time from sms messages you can send OPTOUT to +1(844)994-2715

By providing your email address you are Opting In to receive emails from
To opt-out any time from email messages send to in the subject line OPTOUT

Verify Phone and Email, then the Submit button will appear so you can submit